Abbotsford PisaLite


NOTE:  Pisa Lite is a DISCONTINUED PRODUCT.  We have limited stock still available in GRANITE and NATURAL colors.  Call for info.

Pisa Lite is the “go-to” for small to medium sized walls for ease of installation. The “light” moniker applies because the inside of the block is hollow, meaning that these are easy to move and install. This system is simple with interlocking ridges and matching coping units. The blocks are 6 in high and available in three shades of grey. A tapered unit is also available for curved walls. Pisa Lite is rated for about 3 ft high gravity walls, and much higher walls when reinforced.  There is a 1″‘/course step-back for this system.




Blocks: 6″(h)x12″(d)x8″(w), Caps: 3 1/8″(h)x13″(d)x24″(w)


Blocks: Natural, Granite, Caps: Charcoal, Gray

Pallet Info:

Blocks: 80pcs/pallet, Tapered Blocks: 60pcs/pallet, Caps: 24pcs/pallet


Blocks: 34lb/piece, Caps: 75lb/piece

Relative Square Foot Cost:  $$$

Abbotsford PisaLite

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