Baker Natural Stone

Baker rock exhibits earthy brown tones with hints of green, white, and tans. They come to us directly from the mines in Oregon. We source both patio stones in three sizes (small, standard, large) and wall blocks (two types of ledgestone, stackwall, and one-man rocks).
Small Patio: Variable Height/Length, 1-2″ thickness
Standard Patio: Variable Height/Length, ~2″ thickness
Large Patio: Variable Height/Length, 2-3″ thickness
Ledgestone: ~4″ height
Stackwall: 2-4″ height
Wall stone: 6-8″ height
Pallet Info:
Patiostone: about 180sf/pallet, Ledgestone/Stackwall: about 60sf/pallet, One Man Wall Rock: about 30sf/pallet
All varieties about 2 tons/pallet