Base Gravels

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Base gravels are used underneath retaining walls and paver installations to create a stable foundation. These are crushed gravels which allow for good compaction and some drainage. Our base gravels are sold both in 50 lb bags (0.5 cubic foot) and by bulk for delivery.
¼-” (Quarter Minus): Quarter Minus is crushed rock with sizes from ¼” down to dust. It is our “go to” for base material underneath pavers and small to medium sized retaining walls. ¼- will compact well and also can be leveled so that pavers can be placed on this base without the need for a leveling layer of sand. We recommend three inches of compacted base for most patios and small to medium sized walls.
5/8-” (Five-Eighths Minus): Five-Eighths Minus is crushed rock with sizes from 5/8” down to dust. It is a good choice for base material underneath pavers and retaining walls. 5/8- will compact well. It may require a ½-1” layer of builders sand for leveling purposes. We recommend three inches of compacted base for most patios and small to medium sized walls.
8840 (Three-Eighths Clean Crushed): 8840 is a crushed rock with average size of 3/8” and no fines. It’s a good base material for patios and walls and it drains more quickly than a “minus”. 8840 is the recommended base material for permeable paver applications and is the best choice for joint fill for Eco Priora installations.
8820 (Five-Eighths Clean Crushed): 8820 is a crushed rock with average size of 5/8” and no fines. It’s a good base material for driveways and high walls which will support a lot of weight. It will require roughly 1” layer of builders sand for leveling purposes.
Builder’s Sand: Builder’s Sand is recommended as a leveling agent when using large crushed rock (larger than ¼”) for your base. It has a range of sizes and should not be confused with paver jointing sand, which is uniformly fine and used in the joints between pavers.
Washed rocks are a great inexpensive way to fill a garden bed, or as the base of a pathway topped with a more colorful decorative pebble. They can also be used as backfill for your retaining wall. Our base gravels are sold both in 50 lb bags (0.5 cubic foot) and by bulk for delivery. Please note that the color of these products will vary depending on supplier and that matching existing colors may not be possible.
7/8” Wash Drain: 7/8” Wash Drain is a rounded pebble with average size just below an inch. It is best used to fill in French drains or behind retaining walls where it will be visible and fast drainage is important. Like all round rocks, this should not be used as a base under pavers or wall blocks.
1.5” Wash Drain: 1.5” Wash Drain is a rounded pebble with average size of about one and a half inches. It is best used to fill in French drains or behind retaining walls where it will be visible and fast drainage is important. Like all round rocks, this should not be used as a base under pavers or wall blocks.
Pea Gravel: Pea Gravel is a rounded rock with average size of 3/8”. It is often used to highlight landscape areas or on walkways where a soft texture is important. Like all round rocks, pea gravel should not be used as a base under pavers or wall blocks as it will not compact well and will move around over time.