Crushed Decorative Gravels

Download this spreadsheet to calculate the number of bags you will need. Select the size bag, enter the square footage and thickness you need. Decorative gravels are typically not sold by the yard except for some products sold by superbag (which is a little more than a yard). This tool is for estimation only and we cannot be responsible for decisions made based on the tool.
These colorful decorative gravels are all sourced locally in Eastern Washington. We source ¼” clean, 3/8” clean, and 3/8”-5/8” in 50lb bags (0.5 cubic feet) or 3000lb superbags (just over a yard). We can special order 5/8″ – 1 1/4″ in 3000lb superbags (just over a yard). These gravels look great on walkways, in landscaped areas, or between slabs or natural stones in a patio setting. The colors and names are below:
Cheweleh: tan/yellow
Chinese White: white
Jet Black: black/grey
Salt & Pepper: mixed grey/black, similar to granite
Champagne: pastel