
We invite you to have a look at examples of our products installed. Click on images for a better view and a short description.

Paver Patios and Pathways
Retaining Walls

Did you complete a project with help from Pavingstone Supply? Do you have photos of your new patio, retaining wall, driveway, path, or other similar projects using our products? If so, send them (along with your name so you can get some credit!) to Pavingstone Supply. We’d love to add them to our portfolio! Additionally, we will post submissions to our Instagram upon approval.

Paver Patios and Pathways

Let’s Get Started

Pavingstone Supply Inc. carries top flight Pavers, Stone, Gravels & Sands, Edgings and Sealants. All of our products are well-crafted, durable, attractive and perfect for achieving your Pacific Northwest vision.