Sealed / Polished Pebbles

Download this spreadsheet to calculate the number of bags you will need. Select the size bag, enter the square footage and thickness you need. Decorative gravels are typically not sold by the yard except for some products sold by superbag (which is a little more than a yard). This tool is for estimation only and we cannot be responsible for decisions made based on the tool.
MSI Himalaya White Pebbles: “Elegant Himalaya White Pebbles feature white tones and all the character of natural beach pebbles. These fine polished or tumbled marble garden rocks suit a variety of landscaping projects. Use to create wandering paths, keep weeds at bay around trees, or accent landscape features, including fountains and water features.” Made of marble. 1-2″ in size. Available in 40lb bags. We do not currently source this product in yard quantities, although the equivalent volume of bags can be purchased.
MSI Sealed Pebbles: Per MSI’s website: “Black Polished Pebbles feature a dark charcoal black tone, and all the character of natural beach pebbles. These fine polished quartzite pebbles are available in 5 sizes to suite a variety of landscaping projects. Use to create wandering paths, to keep weeds at bay around trees, and to accent landscape features including fountains and water features.” We source 0.25” – 0.5”, 0.25”-0.75”, 1″-2″, 0.75”-1.25”, and 2-3.5” options in 40lb bags. We do not currently source this product in yard quantities, although the equivalent volume of bags can be purchased.