Western Interlock Leiden Collection

These pavers are available in five sizes with multiples of 4″ along length and width. The sizing of the Leiden collection makes it easy to lay a wide range of patterns. Leiden collection is not a stocking product at Pavingstone, but we can bring in exact amounts in about a week (or sooner!) with a split fee assessed for each size not purchased in full pallet quantities.
Western Interlock
Arena: 12″x12″, Plaza: 12″x8″, Park: 8″x8″, Holland: 4″x8″, Half-Holland 4″x4″
Cambridge, Jamestown
Stocking Info:
Stocking Items
Pallet Info:
Arena: 108sf/pallet, Plaza: 94sf/pallet, Park: 94sf/pallet, Holland: 94sf/pallet, Half-Holland: 49sf/pallet
All Sizes: 27lb/sf
Other Info:
Relative Square Foot Cost: $